I am an ordinary guy who enjoys riding motorcycles. I love riding all makes and models. I love short rides, long rides, and multi-day road trips. I post reviews about motorcycle gear, motorcycles, roads, restaurants, sights, gadgets and more. The Motorcycle Facts,Trivia and History page has a lot of good info. Be safe and enjoy the ride, Oz.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ninja hits the parking lot!

The Christmas morning surprise was great, but a busy schedule and weather issues it took us a while to get the Ninja to a parking lot where my son could do some riding.  Finally on MLK day the time had for some riding.
Looking good
We took the Ninja to a local park parking lot that was not busy.  Only a few people were there for soccer practice, with kids not much bigger than the ball, and a few on one side visiting the playground.
Keeping his eyes on where he wants to go
He maneuvered around the parking lot well.  Never dropped it and only killed it once.  If all proceeds as planned he will get his driver's permit on Feb 27th, take the motorcycle safety course on March 10th & 11th, get wisdom teeth extracted on March 12th, and take motorcycle license test on March 16th.
Getting a little lean with the bike

Great start in a new chapter of life
Then the real fun begins!  More post will follow from a proud dad.


  1. Woohoo! I feel as though I can see him grinning from here.

    Hopefully he feels well enough after having his wisdom teeth out to do the test. I am sure he'll ace it.

  2. I love ya man, but sneakers on his feet???

    When I ride with my son I am always feeling like the world is right! Continue to have fun and enjoy!! Buy him some boots!! LOL!!

  3. Awesome! That takes me back to last fall. I was at the same parkinglot almost every night for two solid months practicing and more practicing. He looks like a natural born rider. Wish him Good luck!

  4. Great fun Dad! {But get that boy some proper riding boots (and pants)... from a MOM's perspective}. I'm glad he's taking rider training. Enjoy your time and riding together.

  5. Looks like a great beginning! Great to see that he'll undergo formal training, can't beat the basics right from the start.

    Redleg's Rides

    Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner

  6. Grooming the next generation of riders. What's not to love. Safe riding for the two of you. You will be riding together in no time!

  7. Yes we will be getting him some riding boots and pants soon. I should of made him put on his hiking boots at least, but I was thinking.

    Formal training, proper gear, and a lot of time in parking lots and/or back roads before we hit the bigger roads.
